When setting your diet and exercise goals for 2018, it’s important to be realistic.
Just what will it take for you to stick to your ‘new year, new me’ plan? Here’s our advice for keeping to those all important resolutions;
1. Don’t be over ambitious
When setting your diet and exercise goals for 2018, its important to be realistic. Its necessary to consider where you’re at now in terms of health and fitness, and be honest with yourself. That way you can set achievable targets for the year.

2. Set 2nd January as a hard deadline
Firstly, and most importantly, we need to be realistic. Thinking that we’re going to start our new diet and exercise regime on the 1st January after a New year’s eve night on the town isn’t exactly likely for the majority of people. So allow yourself the day to recover, eat your comfort food and relax. Then on the 2nd of January, NO EXCUSES.
3. Throw out the Christmas leftovers
Its oh-so tempting just to finish off those last 6 mince pies, few bottles of fizz and ‘almost’ empty tubs of celebrations. However, doing this will only stop you from changing your lifestyle in 2018. Plus, if you put things like training and boot-camps off until after the Christmas snacks are long gone, its unlikely you’ll ever have the motivation to start.

4. Reward yourself for completing goals
Just because you’re ‘sticking’ to your new year’s resolution, doesn’t mean you have to completely cut treats out of your life. Many fitness fanatics allow themselves one ‘cheat day’ per week after 6 days of sticking to their diet plan, and this is absolutely fine. You need those days to refuel your body ready for another week of training and healthy food. And most of us need it to eliminate cravings for naughty food!

5. Don’t over-do it!
Incremental, small changes are most effective and easiest to stick to. Its much easier to stay on track if the whole process isn’t entirely painstaking and quite frankly, horrible. Its important to enjoy life and fit your goals around it. Introduce two or three small changes this new year, and by next year you’ll feel fantastic and ready to conquer two or three more!
Finally, staying on track is much easier with that extra motivation from a trainer or class members. Working out with others can really help achieve your goals as a team. If you’d like help setting and achieving goals on a one to one basis, drop us a line and we’ll see how we can help!